Eric Hammerin dot s e
Eric Hammerin ... let's
see ... he ought to be found under his name and then dot s e ... right? Right!
I have already had the
web page
for several years now, but
since I'm Swedish,
you're absolutely right in checking the .se version of my name.
I'm very fortunate to be
able to work with more than one thing. What's more, I work with the things that
interest me and I get variation. My boss is very understanding and permitting.
I have several web sites,
each for its specific purpose, so perhaps this is a good way to provide the
to the various sites.
My pages in English are
found below along with direct links. Most of my web pages are in Swedish
( for natural reasons ) and they can be found if you click the "Info in
Swedish" link.
Contact is made from any
one of those pages -- when you know what you want to contact me about.
gives you information when
you need an English-speaking guide
in Scania / Skane, southern Sweden.
is the english language
page with information about me as a healer and
what I can do for you. is my image bank with photos from various places.
holds my art gallery The
Eye of Odin. You will find my paintings
and artistic projects here as well as some photos with an artistic touch.
gallery page with
some extra nice photos from places around the globe I'm pretty sure you will
appreciate as well. Linked from my image bank page at
& Nepal images. Theme
collections from these two countries are put on a separate page,
but are linked from my image bank page at